Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just Keep Flying

You know the saying "Life goes on as normal?" Well, I challenge that... Life goes on as AWESOME! 
Although I feel like I'm running a million miles an hour, at least there's movement, ay?! On my way to meet up with Joslyn for a jog, I was just thinking and praying about not knowing my plans for the future,  and I kept seeing a tiny shadow around me. I looked up and there was a butterfly. Most of you know that that is one of my nicknames. I heard God say, "just keep flying..." It was a very good little reminder. I don't have to have it all figured out... Part of 1 Corinthians 7:17 in the Message says... And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there...
Isn't that phenomenal?! I really like that. 
Anyways, it's throwing me off a little bit that it's snowing in Salem and mid-70's here. That's so weird! I'm thinking of Jon and Dan and how much they must enjoy having school delayed. I miss my bros so much. By the time I get back they are going to be like 3 feet taller than me. 
I don't know what else to tell ya America... 
Be blessed. Hug the people you love, cuz like I've realized, you don't always get to when you need it most. Call your friend and giggle. Go on a drive and hold hands. Play games with your family. Enjoy the food you may be tired of. (Especially cereal... it's like $7 a box here.) Find time to be spontaneous: Write a letter to an old friend. Buy someone flowers. Go on a road trip. I don't know... LIVE your life. 

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