Friday, December 10, 2010

One Minute At A Time

Yesterday marked the one month countdown until I leave. And as it quickly approaches, I feel as though there is so much to be done. Christmas gifts to be made or bought. Final coffee dates with friends and family. My room must be overhauled. Which will be no easy task... Packing all of my things into two 50 lb. suitcases. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it!

But in these 30 days, life continues to swirl around me. The lights of our tree sparkle, the monotony of work seems even more apparent. I'm in the process of planning my sermon for Sunday and although I am so excited, I feel as though there is sooo much I wish to say, but don't have enough time. Isn't that how we all feel? The common phrases, "So much to do, so little time," and "if only there were only more hours in the day..." make me feel guilty for not making the most of the time I do have.

In my eighteen years, I feel as though I haven't accomplished much. I feel so small. And yet God still chooses me. I've learned that instead of having a "change the world" outlook, I need a "change the environment" perspective. Not the environment as in global warming, but the environment as in everywhere I go. Every person I meet. Every minute. Every second.

I'm sure at one point or another, everyone has wished to be famous. To be able to make an impact on a huge scale. But often what happens is that once people receive the recognition, it becomes all about them. I do not wish to be famous. I wish to partner in making God famous.
This impact begins in our homes. It spreads to our schools, our workplace, our churches, our communities, our city... so on and so forth.

So in this hectic season, look for ways to love. Love without conditions. Give with an open heart. And see every moment as a gift. And as you do that... you will change the world.

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